ANNE CHRIS BAKKER – Reminiscences


DR-20, CD / DL

“Reminiscences existed with no detailed plan. It is more the result of spontanious playing and recording over a period of 5 months using guitar, pedals and and a violin bow .

During playing lots of images came up in mind, quite simular to the half sleep state of mind where images and situations flow and bind in an unstructured way. While playing and listening to the material it opened up a map of lost memories.

This is how I recollect. Reminiscences”.

– Anne Chris Bakker

Anne Chris Bakker is an musician from the Netherlands who creates music somewhere between electro accoustic, experimental, ambient and minimal music. “Reminiscences” is an artist’s first full lenght solo album.


  • Mastered by Jos Smolders –
  • Photos by Anne Chris Bakker and Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero

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10 thoughts on “ANNE CHRIS BAKKER – Reminiscences

  1. Music Won’t Save You:

    Anne Chris Bakker in “Reminiscences” ha raggiunto un espressivo equilibrio tra manipolazioni ambient-drone e un paesaggismo emozionale induttivo di una quiete riflessiva, nella quale i ricordi possono riecheggiare al pari delle frequenze prodotte dalle sue improvvisazioni.

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  2. MoeskoMusic:

    Mi sem mutatja ezt jobban a lemez címénél, mely magyarul annyit tesz, visszaemlékezés. Egyfajta terápiát kapunk, melynek a végeredménye kiszámíthatatlan.

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  3. Alto Riot:

    Anne Chris Bakker’s music lends itself wonderfully to passive imagery. And yet despite its simplicity, like the video, Bakker’s music compliments its notion to keep moving forward.

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  4. Caleidoscoop:

    Bakker brengt een bij de strot grijpend intrigerend album dat zowel contemplatief als betoverend is. Desolaat, maar om heerlijk je gedachten de vrij loop te laten en te delen.

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  5. Onda Rock:

    Questo nuovo approccio la conduce, in “Reminescences”, a “coltivare musica” con un humus decisamente più ambientale di quanto sarebbe stato lecito aspettarsi…

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  6. maeror3:

    …очень личная музыка, набрасывающая тихим и обстоятельным гулом пелену дремотной неги, из которой не хочется выбираться в реальность, даже когда за окном дребезжит трамвай и доносятся чьи-то голоса: лучше представить на их месте успокаивающий шум волн и прочие природные приятности, уносящие к воздушным миражам внезапно оживших воспоминаний.

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  7. Hawai:

    “Reminiscences”, la obra de Anne Chris Bakker, tal como su fotografía –capturada por el mismo y por Luis Alejandro Bernal Romero–, son manchas borrosas de ruido a partir de un paisaje congelado, una sensación de recuerdo debilitado.

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  8. Raised By Gypsies:

    Perhaps the story here is how this music moves slowly in terms of tempo, yet somehow seems to move very fast otherwise. It could send the room spinning whilst you are sitting still on your couch, wearing your headphones of course.

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