
DR-21, CD / DL

“Drowning In The Sky” is a collaboration album between Pjusk (Rune Sagevik & Jostein Gjelsvik) & Sleep Orchestra (Christopher Pegg).

The project came about after Sleep Orchestra was given some recommended listening by a friend. After listening to Pjusk for many months, he found out that they were performing at Storung Festival in Barcelona the next year. Pjusk and Sleep Orchestra met at the festival and after a good chat and listening to each others material, it was agreed by both parties that they wanted to work together on a collaboration album.

Chris has said that, “If it wasn’t for my friend recommending me to listen to Pjusk’s “Tele” album this project may never have happened!”
That friend was Juan Diego Burillo (1974 – 2012). The Album “Drowning In The Sky” is dedicated to his memory.

The music of “Drowning In The Sky” creates a soundtrack of ambient soundscapes and drones that move you slowly and steadily through an ever changing landscape of water, fog and the clouds in the sky. This is the type of music to listen to when you just want to float away to another world.

Pjusk is Rune Sagevik and Jostein Dahl Gjelsvik from the west coast of Norway – both from small villages close to nature. The sound of Pjusk is inspired by the harsh Norwegian weather and wild landscape. At the center point of the collaboration between the two is an old cabin high up in the mountains. This is where most of the music of Pjusk is made – framed by snowy peaks and the sound of cold streams.


Sleep Orchestra is Christopher Pegg. Chris is from the UK, and is a sound experimentalist and electronic music producer inspired by such artists as Murcof, Saffronkeira, Loscil, Biosphere, Christopher Bissonnette, Pjusk and notable others within the minimalist ambient genre. As well as his most influential artists, the Sleep Orchestra project is also inspired by Science Fiction, Nature and film soundtracks.



  • Curated by Bartosz Dziadosz (Pleq) 
  • Cover Photo by Erika Tiren www.erikatiren.com
  • Mastering by Tobias Hellkvist  tobiashellkvist.com
  • Designed and managed by Dmitry Taldykin 
  • on track 3: trumpet: Kåre Nymark Jr., kyma: Taylor Deupree
  • on track 7: Violin by Tomasz Mreńca

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13 thoughts on “PJUSK / SLEEP ORCHESTRA – Drowning In The Sky

  1. Analog Sermon:

    “The album — though relaxing — is a pensive piece of material designed for foreground listening and active contemplation; any attempts to take it lightly will result in thoughts treading in a whirlpool of fear-inducing uncertainty”

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  2. Norman Records:

    It’s glacial and quite therapeutic, subtlety and understatement are the catchwords here.

  3. Wajobu:

    “The album is a journey of contrasts, from the far reaches of harsh yet pristine tundra to the gritty environs of an industrial zone, from desolation and isolation to population’.

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  4. Music Won’t Save You:

    L’immersione nello spazio infinito del cielo di “Drowning In The Sky” rappresenta così, anche nell’individuazione di un’estetica condivisa, un intrigante approccio alternativo al claustrofobico immaginario dark-ambient.

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  5. Onda Rock:

    L’ennesima, evocativa sonorizzazione di una stagione che continua a dimostrarsi fra i bacini d’ispirazione primari dell’ambient music odierna.

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  6. Music Is Good:

    Beyond the album title, the literal referents are gone, and the music too is if anything more abstract, more austere, than previous Pjusk releases. Don’t look here for anything hummable; prepare to be exposed to the elements.

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  7. Gwendal Perrin Blog:

    «Drowning In The Sky», plus lunaire que solaire, est l’une des plus grosses claques ambient de cette année 2014. Froid comme les Svalbard, hostile comme un geyser islandais, cet album n’est pas à écouter sur la plage – enfin, sauf une « plage » groenlandaise, en plein hiver, entouré d’aurores boréales et de sombres desseins.

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  8. Hawai:

    Resulta inevitable no desviar la mente hacia una determinada geografía al visitar las piezas contenidas en esta obra. “Este es el tipo de música para escuchar cuando solamente quieres irte a la deriva hacia otro mundo” dice la hoja de prensa. Aunque no es tanto una elección. Inconscientemente el escuchar este trabajo lleva a perderse en un paisaje de bosques escarchados y costas cubiertas de hielo, tanto la estética de las imágenes –los rastros sobre un plano congelado en la preciosa fotografía de Erika Tizen– como la estética del sonido.

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  9. SWQW:

    On enchaîne la semaine avec une perle drone ambient : “Remarquable, l’album ne lâche à aucun instant son emprise envoûtante. Dans son habit de gris, Drowning In The Sky est une ode à la perdition, une invitation à embrasser la beauté froide de ces paysages et à se laisser recouvrir par ce manteau de neige qui nous ravirait toute chaleur.”

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  10. Igloo Magazine:

    Together, Pjusk and Sleep Orchestra evoke a chilly and endless, empty silence, broken only by wind whipping up new snow on the pack ice and the crunching footsteps of vain forays in this direction or that, all leading to more nowhere.

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